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Sustainable Tourism Tokyo Declaration 2030 Vision





2030年9月27日までの残りの日数はあと 2023 日です。

2024年 9 月 27 日 on World Tourism Day サステナブルツーリズム東京宣言 2030 ビジョン(第 3 回 JARTA フォーラムで採択)


 本日World Tourism Dayから2030年までを第2次ムーブメントとして捉え、これまでの取り組みをさらに強化し推進するために出発する。この6年間は勝負の年である。 




11人がサステナビリティの伝道師として、将来の日本のあるべき姿を想い描き、取り組む事を誓い、「サステナブルツーリズム東京宣言2030 ビジョン」としてここに宣言する。

September 27, 2024, on World Tourism Day Sustainable Tourism Tokyo Declaration 2030 Vision

Now, along with the environmental crisis, the Tourism Crisis is looming. We must share this sense of urgency and take immediate action.

Today on World Tourism Day, the second movement of our sustainability journey starts. We declare our commitment to realize a 2030 sustainable society. Over the next six years, we must work diligently to speed up and further strengthen our initiatives.

 Our future will depend on how responsibly we conduct our own business. We believe in the power of tourism and make the most of it to bring happiness to travelers, communities, the globe and as well as people engaged in the tourism industry.

Our future will be bleak if we don’t take any responsibility for those four key groups. For example, having a short-term perspective, and pursuing our own interests and exploiting local resources through irresponsible management.

As a result, it causes various negative impacts on society, and the tourism industry loses further social credibility.

Our determination and responsibility are being questioned now.

Each and every one of us pledges to work sustainably to envision what Japan should be in the future. It is hereby declared as the “Sustainable Tourism Tokyo Declaration 2030 Vision”.




呼びかけ人:高山 傑、阿部 有香、荒井 一洋、井上 寿、鈴木 宏一郎、多田 稔子、西谷 雷佐、久保 竜太、田村 啓、青木真郎、亀津 淳司、滝川 望、村山 慶輔、沖 芙如、片山 清宏、田中 千恵子、堀内 祐香、井上 ゆき子、渋谷 武明、砂本 有紀子、月江 潮

”We aim to increase the total number of supporters to 4.2 million by September 27, 2030.

4.2 million people means 3.5% of Japan’s population of 120 million. It is a tipping point to bring a big impact to the society based on the 3.5% rule.

It is our belief that it is possible to change the consciousness of society and transform it into a better one if we reach the number.

Please sign here to support the Sustainable Tourism Tokyo Declaration 2030 Vision.




連絡先:一般社団法人JARTA事務局 (Japan Alliance Of Responsible Travel Agencies)

604-8006 京都市中京区下丸屋町403 (403 Shimomaruyacho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto, 604-8006)

Tel: 075-777-1244 / Email: secretariat@jarta.org / W: https://www.jarta.org